Friends discuss “taking a break” and narcissist parents
Welcome friends! We have Madelyn Frost Arts back on the show this week because we simply cannot get enough of her. Today’s episode starts out with our “UpDATE” segment, where the girls give the rundown on what’s new with their online dating lives and Madelyn gives a brief overview of her Bumble excursions. We have a new segment, “Bad Advice,” where the girls talk about bad advice they’ve seen on the internet trying to be passed off as good advice. And, in the 3rd and final part of the show, Madelyn gives some background and insight into the characters of her webcomic. Specifically, the relationship of the hero and his mother (Spoilers!!). Our dating lives are turning out WAY different than we expected, we HARDCORE over analyze toxic memes, and we absolutely LOVE talking about boundaries between children and their parents! Buckle up and get ready!!!